Installing the PyAngelo Library

Category: PyAngelo

Last updated 1 year ago

Jake Balls

Jake Balls Asked 1 year ago

I would like to be able to use the PyAngelo python library in my code editor of choice but I do not have the library installed.

I cannot find it anywhere so this also makes me unable to code using PyAngelo offline.

Please reply

Thanks, Jake

Jeff Plumb

Jeff Plumb Answered 1 year ago

Hi Jake,

Thanks for your question. Unfortunately PyAngelo is only available through the web interface. The whole point of the website is to make it possible to write graphical Python programs right from the browser without the need to install any software. It is actually a very interesting problem since browsers only run JavaScript. Hence to make this occur, PyAngelo takes your Python code, runs it through the open source Skulpt library which compiles your Python code into JavaScript, and then your program is actually run as JavaScript.

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